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8 – Misinformation, Disinformation, and Fact-Checking

Misinformation, Disinformation, and Fact-Checking: 
Disinformation are false or inaccurate claims, sources of information, or stories that is deliberately intended to be deceitful. Meanwhile, Misinformation are false or inaccurate claims, sources of information, or stories that are unintentionally delivered. In modern society, today is actually hard not to come across mis and disinformation of some kind rather its political, societal, marketable or even a trend. 

Misinformation and disinformation spreads globally very quickly thanks to technology and how advanced it has gotten over the last decade. Due to frequent incidents, it is a very popular topic of debate if big tech companies such as Facebook and Google should be responsible for stopping the spread of misinformation and disinformation. There are problems that occur which motivates us to pick mis and disinformation as the 
Word of the Year. Misinformation and disinformation was topped with governments, businesses, and the broader culture in dealing with how to stop dangerous misinformation and disinformation. 

The vaccine for the Flu sometimes get misinformed. Many believe that a simple vaccine of the shot can give you the Flu but its much more than just that. The truth about the shot being in connection with the Flu is that the vaccine has certain viruses included that in the end will help fight off the Flu virus. The way in which you catch the virus is by being exposed to the Influenza Virus. Flu shots contains inactive viruses that cannot cause infections. It’s common to experience some flu symptoms unrelated to the flu virus like tenderness in the area where you received the shot. Some individuals also experience mild fever and runny nose. But not everyone will have the same exact symptoms because everyone's body reacts differently. 

Another misconception about the flu is that the flu vaccine is dangerous. Research have shown significant increases in maternal death among unvaccinated women infected by influenza. Getting the flu shot by itself will not prevent you from receiving the flu. It is important to take necessary precautions like staying away from those who are sick, cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough, or clean and disinfect surfaces that could be contaminated. 

Americans die from influenza and the complications that align with it in an average year. It’s important to remember that the flu vaccine is not 100% effective but is the best defense against serious flu related illnesses. The flu vaccine is changed every year to help protect against the specific viruses that researchers think will be circulating for the upcoming year.

Disinformation is strongly aimed towards a country's military or governor strengths or plans, disseminated by a government or intelligence agency. It is very powerful, destructive and divisive. It tends to be a common factor of espionage. Countries often have an interest in intentionally spreading fake news to their rival nations. An example is how the Soviet Union and the United States did during the cold war. 
Propaganda, which is information spread to make someone or something look appealing, can be a factor of disinformation. Modern dictatorships, such as North Korea, use propagandistic disinformation to make their citizens believe their government is righteous and that enemy countries are evil. A more recent example will be how the US department accused the Chinese government of supporting an online disinformation campaign that spread false information about COVID-19 and blamed the outbreak on the US. 

With misinformation and disinformation being a very popular element of modern society, it is very necessary to fact check all of your data. Spreading around incorrect information can be detrimental to that person, their family and their career. It can also cause deep controversy and extended conflict. It is important to examine all gathered data and research to be sure of what information you are spreading. 


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